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No More Heroes 3 está aproximadamente 50 por cento concluído, afirma Suda 51

It should come in as no surprise that a new No More Heroes is in the works. Yes, number three in the series is planned and currently halfway in development if Suda 51’s words hold any indication. Grasshopper Manufacture and Suda 51 expect to drop Não mais heróis 3 exclusively for Nintendo Switch sometime in 2020.

In case you may have missed it, during the mid-part of June, we reported on the announcement of Não mais heróis 3, which was part of Nintendo’s E3 2019 Direct. The reveal trailer did not offer any info on gameplay mechanics, but the trailer does offer hints on things to come which you can check out right here:

If the third installment seems like something you can get behind, publication site Que os relatórios Não mais heróis 3 is doing well under the hood. In other words, development is halfway done and is going rather well:

“In a lengthy interview with GameXplain, Suda talked about a lot of aspects of No More Heroes 3. When it came to how long we have to wait, he said right now the game is roughly half complete with development going smoothly.”

Back in July, we also reported on Goichi Suda (best known as Suda 51) saying that he wants to make a game where those who want to enjoy the game will be able to enjoy the game, instead of making a game that he thinks will sell. You can read what the interpreter for Suda translated below:

“Uma coisa que ele realmente percebeu com a TSA foi que é muito importante ouvir o que os fãs querem. Novamente, não apenas para torná-lo um jogo que venda, mas para fazer um jogo que as pessoas que você deseja que gostem possam se divertir.

Moreover, Suda may know what he wants to make and how to deliver it to fans, but he doesn’t want to make No More Heroes 3 a game that fans expect, according to the interpreter:

“Ele obviamente tem sua própria visão de como o jogo será, como ele quer que seja, e quando ele diz que quer fazer o jogo para os fãs, ele não quer apenas fazer o jogo que eles estão esperando.

Although Goichi wants to make Não mais heróis 3 something that fans are expecting he also wants to go above and beyond by putting in stuff that fans wouldn’t even expect:

“O jogo que ele quer fazer é o tipo de jogo que os fãs esperam e o tipo de jogo que os fãs desejam. Ele quer não apenas […] responder a esses desejos e a esses pedidos. Ele quer ir além disso e [começar a trabalhar] colocando a merda que eles querem ver – dar a eles toda essa merda extra que eles provavelmente nem sabem o que querem ou nem estariam esperando. ”

With that said, Suda and crew are focused on the third game and in talks about bringing the first two games to modern systems. I’m not sure if this means PS4,  Xbox One and PC or two of the three? While we wait, Não mais heróis 3 is slated to touch down exclusively for the Switch sometime in 2020.

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